Saturday, 9 October 2010

The blessings of a good thick skirt.........

I can't remember which friend gave me a book by that title, but it seemed an apt way to start this new post!
Having been fit enough to do a triathlon only a short time ago, what do I do when I just arrive in Ghana? Contract a common cold! Except that when you're in the tropics and you start to feel unwell, your mind races and you imagine all sorts of horrors! Anyway, suffice to say, I had some medicines with me (the blessing of a good medicine chest - I'm not a doctor's daughter for nothing!) and what I didn't have Isaac got for me. I'm now in the office (on a SATURDAY!) catching up my lost time. However, I've finished what I wanted to do today, so I'm hoping Isaac will take me on that promised trip to the Mall! for a pizza and coke perhaps? I've got to prepare myself for fufu later...........


  1. love the blog Mary and hope you're on the mend lol Jox

  2. Well done Mary - the blog is great and has some very imaginative and rather amusing headings... I'm reading between the lines a lot!
