Monday, 18 October 2010

back home again!

Now back in Cornwall (what a contrast to Accra!) and enjoying a cup of tea with fresh milk!
There's nothing better than a trip like this to make you really appreciate the smallest pleasures in life!
My thanks to everyone in Ghana - Isaac, Hannah, and all the volunteers at Richbone Initiative Foundation, and Florence and her team at Sarfoa Memorial School (and not forgetting her family whose hospitality I enjoyed) who contributed so much to make my trip memorable. I wish RIF and Sarfoa the very best in their future endeavours.

I am sorry to say that I have had another go with that video clip...........and no joy!
So here are a selection of pictures from the last few days.......
Oxford Street (Ghana style!), Independence Square (with football stadium behind) and relaxing at Labadi beach...........

Bye everyone and thanks for watching this space..............!

Friday, 15 October 2010

What an honour!

I'm going to try and post a short video (I hope it works!) because I would just love you to share with me a very special afternoon at the school yesterday. Yes, there was definitely something afoot, and all was revealed when the students performed some traditional as well as more modern dances for me. It was really lovely and I enjoyed every minute, although was somewhat embarrassed as it made me feel like a very special person! is taking too long to upload, so here is a pic instead. I'll try the video again when I'm back in UK.

My gift to the school was rather difficult as it was not easy finding the things to buy. However I did manage to get some educational toys for the creche. Here is the presentation picture.........

Well, today I have had a send off from the Richbone office staff as well, and I am showered with the most fantastic gifts! We had a feast of fried chicken and fish (my favourite) and are now heading off to the beach for the afternoon. My last day has come round rather suddenly, and I am surprised that I feel so sad to be leaving my new found friends here in Ghana. I hope they feel that my 2 weeks work has been worth it!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

the secret is revealed!

I have been very good and kept my fundraising efforts a secret from Isaac until this week. He was absolutely delighted to learn that his organisation Richbone Initiative Foundation  is to receive such a fantastic donation from my friends, family and colleagues in UK. This morning we have been discussing his plans for how he might use the money. This is what he has in help with the schools and orphanages with which he is already working to provide them with much needed resources and the kids with the means to participate fully at school, to help with the assembly and distribution of 550 wheelchairs just received from the Free Wheelchair Mission in US, and also to provide a portion of the total funds to pay general charitable expenses. We in the business know how difficult it is to fund general expenses, so we discussed an allocation towards this. More later, as I am due back at the school soon, and Isaac has a taxi waiting..........I think there is something fishy going on!.....more later!

Monday, 11 October 2010

an experience not to be forgotten

This is Florence, Joyce, Christian and Ama. I was slightly apprehensive about this trip (partly because of my tummy trouble!) and thought the whole experience was going to be a disaster when the taxi broke down on the way! We waited ages for another one, but no-one worries if you are late in Ghana - it's Ghana time here! People seemed to drop in and out of the service anyway, which you might expect given that it lasts all morning, so no-one raised an eyebrow when we arrived late. Until of course, Madam Florence seized the mike and proceeded to announce to all that she had an English lady staying for 2 weeks, and would they welcome me. Which of course they did, most warmly, and the next thing I knew I was out in front giving a little address. Don't worry, I was discrete about my own beliefs and philosophy on life!
The morning was a hot and noisy affair, ending in something similar to the conga, but an experience not to be missed!

Madam Florence gives a lesson in yam preparation

Daily life in the household of Madam Florence .........while Granny supervises, and the children get under everyone's feet, Madam Florence calmly gets on with chopping up the yam. I have to say, I think fried yam is a very acceptable alternative to chips!

Saturday night out with the lads

Well, Isaac was as good as his promise, and, chauffeured by George, we headed off for the Mall for an evening shop and supper out. Chicken and chips KFC style was what we wanted but by sleuth of hand the waiter who seated us put us in a different restaurant area and we ended up with something inferior (according to George and Isaac anyway). I can probably vouch for that too, as next day I had a funny tummy, which necessitated taking some Boots medicine which I luckily had with me!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

The blessings of a good thick skirt.........

I can't remember which friend gave me a book by that title, but it seemed an apt way to start this new post!
Having been fit enough to do a triathlon only a short time ago, what do I do when I just arrive in Ghana? Contract a common cold! Except that when you're in the tropics and you start to feel unwell, your mind races and you imagine all sorts of horrors! Anyway, suffice to say, I had some medicines with me (the blessing of a good medicine chest - I'm not a doctor's daughter for nothing!) and what I didn't have Isaac got for me. I'm now in the office (on a SATURDAY!) catching up my lost time. However, I've finished what I wanted to do today, so I'm hoping Isaac will take me on that promised trip to the Mall! for a pizza and coke perhaps? I've got to prepare myself for fufu later...........

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Back to School!

Well, I have to say I take my hat off to Madam Florence! She is the Principal of Sarfoa Memorial School, which is one of the projects supported by Richbone Initiative. But she is not only the principal of the school but also does the job of "bursar" and administrator and sometimes mother to the children as well.
When she had a break in her busy day, we were able to sit down together and go through the school accounts. Not easy, as they have no computers and everything is entered in a multitude of account books!
But we will definitely be able to streamline and make the job a bit easier for her!

While waiting for Madam Florence, Madam Mary (that's me by the way!) took a class - Junior High 2!
It was a delight to be able to talk to the students without thinking how inadequate my teaching skills might be. They were simply happy to tell me about their country and to hear about mine.

I also spent time in the creche but when several of the children started to cry (they were frightened of my white skin - which I found a bit disconcerting!) I beat a hasty retreat.

My treat for the day was a trip with Isaac to the Kwame Nkruma Memorial Gardens where we had a pleasant evening stroll before the sun went down.

Monday, 4 October 2010

first day, first impressions

Well, I have to say that I already feel very much at home here! I have been made to feel very welcome and my first day of work has been more "fun" than work has been for a long time! As you can see from the pictures, Hannah and Isaac have thrown me in the deep end and we have already got excel set up for the current year's accounts. This will be the first time the accounts for the Richbone Initiative Foundation have been on the computer, which will make it so much easier for Isaac to do reports for funders and apply for grants. Isaac has just come back with a plate of fried fish (yum yum) so I have to go now! More later.....